Anyone with lungs…

My dad has smoked for over 40 years. In his early 70s he still drives truck but no longer over the road. For forty years his life was in and out of truck stops, living life in the cab of a Pete or a Kenny, breathing diesel fumes, carbon monoxide, smoking reds, and all the other trappings of a truck driver. I’ve always assumed he would get cancer at some point, but he hasn’t. My dad doesn’t have lung cancer, my wife does. She was 37, fit and healthy, and pregnant with our 5th child. She was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell adenocarcinoma with an ALK mutation in June, 2016. There is so much stigma about lung cancer because we think that those with the disease did it to themselves by smoking or breathing radon or diesel fumes or whatever. No one deserves lung cancer, smoker or not. The truth is that Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer, and anyone with lungs can join the fight! That’s why I started this site: to bring awareness to this disease and encourage others to join the fight!

I’m going to join the fight by using my lungs and legs to run, raising money for research, and spreading the word that even 37 year old, fit mothers of 4 four can get lung cancer. Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.

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